Bucharest Prayer Times
Romania - Bucharest Fazilet Calendar Cautious İftar Times 2025
28 Mart 2025 Cuma
Bucharest yerel saati:
Rumi Takvim
15 Mart 1441
Hicri Takvim
28 Ramazan 1446
Bucharest Prayer Times
Below is the list of monthly and weekly prayer times for Bucharest according to the Fazilet calendar.
Bucharest Call to Prayer Times
04:08Dawn Time
The morning prayer time for Bucharest is at 04:08. The prayer time lasts until sunrise.
Sunrise for Bucharest is at 05:56. After the sun rises, the time of inappropriateness for prayer begins. Eid prayers or Ishraq/Duha prayers are performed 45 minutes after sunrise.
12:31Noon Prayer Time
The noon call to prayer time for Bucharest is at 12:31. The Friday prayer is performed after the noon call to prayer.
16:02Afternoon Prayer Time
The afternoon prayer time for Bucharest is at 16:02.
18:46Evening Call to Prayer Time
The evening call to prayer for Bucharest is at 18:46. The time for breaking the fast is the same as the evening prayer time.
20:22Night Prayer Time
The night prayer time for Bucharest is at 20:22
Prayer times for Bucharest according to the Diyanet calendar, Romania - Bucharest prayer times, Bucharest Call to Prayer Times, Bucharest Iftar times, Bucharest Dawn time, Bucharest Friday prayer time, Romania Bucharest Morning prayer time, Bucharest Noon prayer, Bucharest Tahajjud time, Bucharest Duha prayer time, Bucharest Waktu Solat, Bucharest Jadual Waktu Sholat, Bucharest Imsakiye, fasting times, Bucharest Ishraq time, Bucharest Awabeen prayer, Salat, Salah time Bucharest Prayer Times, Bucharest Namoz Vaqtlari, Bucharest Qibla time, Bucharest Evening prayer, Bucharest Sunrise, Bucharest Time of inappropriateness for prayer, Bucharest Temkin time, Bucharest Worship times, When is the prayer time for Bucharest? When is the night call to prayer for Bucharest performed? The prayer calendar time system includes daily, weekly, and monthly prayer times.